Limited Availability - Free Online Masterclass

Effortlessly Overcome Stress & Anxiety, Gain New-Found Levels Of Self-Esteem, and Create Happiness, Wisdom & Confidence To Live The Life You Really Want…

This is exactly what you need to know, exactly what you need to do, and exactly where you need to be to make 2023 your best year yet. I use these very same, proven processes myself and with clients.

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My Live Masterclass is designed to help you Reclaim Your Life And Enjoy Healthy, Happy, And Peaceful Relationships With Yourself And Others.
I also Help you Quickly & Permanently Say Goodbye To Stress, Anxiety & Overthinking... Even When Everything Else You’ve Tried Has Failed.

Live Training

Comprehensive Live Training Sessions  over six weeks inside a group of like-minded people, taking the same journey as you, a journey towards joy, peace and happiness.

Weekly Workbooks

Weekly Workbooks that will complement the material covered each week with step-by-step, practical exercises to build resilience, overcome anxiety & achieve true happiness.

Fully Accredited

Fully Accredited by The Council of Holistic Healers - dedicated to promoting holistic principles: honoring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their own health and wellness.

On this Masterclass, i will take you by the hand through My Process Which Helps You Retrain Your Thoughts And Achieve The Joy, Happiness & Peace You're Looking For

Week 1

Introduction To Thought Retraining, The Problems You're Facing & Why You're Holding Yourself There

On the first week of The Happy Mind Masterclass, we will focus on why your own mind is blocking you and how you can start reclaiming your life.

You will discover why The Catherine Harman Thought Retraining Process is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to anything you have been taught before.

We will discuss ways of tapping into your subconscious and why this is a far quicker and more effective way of eradicating stress, anxiety and overthinking than any of the tools, strategies, methods and techniques out there.

You'll also learn how to use powerful guided meditation and affirmations to start finally accepting and loving yourself...

The Masterclass will also offer an opportunity to join a community of like-minded people who are all passionate about finding wisdom, peace and happiness and connecting with others on this incredible journey.

REMEMBER... this Masterclass is designed to help both beginners and those experienced in self-growth to build self-esteem and improve their relationships with themselves and everyone else in their lives.

Tuesday 11th July

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

Week 2

Discovering And Accepting Your Blocks So That You Can Release Them To Make Room For Love, Joy, Happiness & Fulfilment

On Week 2 of The Happy Mind Masterclass you will begin to notice where you are self-sabotaging and learn how to avoid this from now on.

We will start looking at how all your worry and overthinking takes place right here, right now – in the only time you ever have and how you can 'stretch' time and recover it for yourself

You'll discover what is actually going on in your head and how this knowledge will empower you to rise above the chaos

You will also learn about the science behind meditation and how it can help you achieve your happiness goals

We will talk about self-care and how social media is giving you entirely the wrong ideas about it is taking up a lot of your time and doing the opposite of what you think

You will learn how to say YES to life... and how to stop blaming and trying to change your life and instead accept each day without judgement.

This will stop you being in victim mode and allow you to became a warrior!

You will discover how stilling your mind is essential to thought retraining and how to find the answers you're seeking in the silence.

REMEMBER... once you have retrained your thoughts, you will never again have need of any tool to help you. Your mind will have formed new pathways and will naturally take you to love.

Tuesday 18th July

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

Week 3

Connect With The Real You... The Authentic You... The You That Got Lost Under The Life Stuff...

On Week 3 of The Happy Mind Masterclass, you will learn to see exactly where you are covering up your true self and why. You will then be able to free yourself and soar to your full potential.

We will look further at how you can truly live your life in the present moment and never miss any more opportunities...never miss making any more beautiful memories.

You will also learn how to recognise your unique blend of stress symptoms...even though you will have normalised many of them...and discover what effect they have on your body so that you can deal with them easily and quickly.

Through an extremely powerful inner child meditation, you will soothe and heal your vulnerable self at a deep subconscious level to achieve unknown levels of freedom, joy and peace.

REMEMBER... from now on, you will always be able to connect with and use your inner wisdom to help you make decisions and live and love your life to the fullest.

Tuesday 25th July

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

Week 4

You Will Learn How To Get Into The Driver's Seat Of Your Precious Life And Finally Take Control Of The Wheel So That You Are Able To Make The Right Happy & Healthy Choices For You...Only and Always From A Place Of Love

On Week 4 of The Happy Mind Masterclass, we’re going to look at what coaching is and how it differs from teaching, mentoring, counselling and how it can help YOU achieve the results you're looking for.

You will be empowered to make and stick to strong (but always gentle) decisions about your life and how you choose to live it.

SNEAK PEAK... you are going to experience, first hand, how much coaching can help you.
Please have questions ready and I’ll get through as many as I can.

We'll explore breaking free of your shackles and stepping out of your comfort zone and into having power over your life.  

Learn to show up for you and greet anything and everything that comes along gentleness and grace.

REMEMBER... we always approach self-growth with compassion and understanding...for yourself, first and foremost, and for everyone else you encounter

Tuesday 1st August

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

Week 5

Learning To Equip Yourself With Lots Of Practical Ways Of Transforming Your Life, Right Now, To The One You Want And Deserve

On Week 5 of The Happy Mind Masterclass, you will learn that it's okay to ask for help and when and how to do this.

You will explore just how you want your life to look and learn to be the very best possible version of yourself and live your best possible life!

One of the things blocking you from loving the life you live is thinking you have time. You'll learn the right way to build a bucket list so that none of your dreams...wishes and hopes get forgotten...

SNEAK PEAK... You will get the chance to pick the brains of a couple of my clients who have worked with me and are a little further along their journey than you are…people who are now living happily ever after

They will share their experiences with you. 

This is your opportunity to speak with people who have transformed their lives from worry and heartache to accomplishment and happiness. Have your questions ready and they will answer as may as they can.

You will be diving deep into your deepest desires and learning exactly how to use goal setting to attain the happiness and success you're striving for in all areas of your life.

Tuesday 8th August

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

Week 6

Learn To Know Yourself More Fully And Why You Think As You Do So That You Can Take Good Quality Courses Of Action...and Live Rather Than Exist

On our final week together, we’ll be talking about the specific types of negative thought patterns and how you can harness this knowledge to overcome every single one of them.

You will learn at a deeper level how you can retrain your thoughts to work with you rather than against you in order to live a genuinely loving and loved life

We will use meditation to explore mindfulness at a deeper level so that you will now have a choice which of your thoughts to believe and take action on.

You will also learn how physical movement enhances constructive affirmations and get a chance to take part in an experiment and try it out for yourself.

Finally we’ll wrap up with a question and answer session so that you don’t leave wishing you’d asked something that could move you on with the relationships you have with yourself, your partner, your friends and family, your body, your health, your finances, your spirituality or literally anything else.

Tuesday 15th August

1pm - 2:30pm

12pm - 1:30pm

10am - 11:30am

I will teach you the exact Process So You Can Work With Your Mind Rather Than Against It... Finally Putting YOU In driver's Seat. This Masterclass is Also the Perfect Way To Permanently Stop Overthinking And Start Profoundly Enjoying Your Experience Of Life...

On The Happy Mind Masterclass, you will discover why you’re struggling and, more importantly, what you can do about it.

You may have struggled with stress, anxiety, pain, anger or any other unwanted emotions for years or even decades... but, with this Masterclass, you see that you can let it go anytime you feel ready.

If you feel misunderstood and overwhelmed by circumstances seemingly beyond your control…

If you are ready to reclaim your life and enjoy healthy, happy, and peaceful relationships with yourself and others including friends, family, partners, children and colleagues

Then, The Happy Mind Masterclass is perfect for you...

By taking this Masterclass, you'll be able to fast-forward to:

  • Finding your calm & less anxious self, even if you've been struggling with anxiety your whole life ​
  • ​Building your self-esteem & value, so you're fully prepared for whatever life throws at you ​
  • ​Enjoying a more positive outlook, so you can truly live your life, rather than just exist ​
  • ​Realising your full potential and having the motivation & confidence to pursue it ​
  • ​Eliminating blocks & limitations, so you can reclaim, enjoy & seize opportunities around you ​
  • ​Feeling happy and fulfilled

... Even if it's for the first time ever.

The Process i teach Inside The Happy Mind masterclass Is Quite Simply The Fastest, Most Profound & Permanent Way I Personally Know Of Transforming Your Life To One Of Wisdom, Peace And Happiness...

Want to know how to remove your biggest inner blocks & limitations? 

Feel like you were meant for something bigger... but know there is something holding you back?

This is the Masterclass that allows you to retrain your thoughts to attract all that you want from life.

Let me show you how you can easily and quickly be happier than you’ve ever been.

It has also been tried and tested on hundreds of people in varied situations and from incomparable walks of life... and had fabulous results every time.

All you need for deep transformation is an open heart and an open mind.

Imagine having a clear and quiet mind…

  • Having the ability to quickly make and trust personal and business decisions
  • ​Being efficient and productive without the continuous mental chatter getting in your way
  • ​Living without overthinking, second guessing or doubting yourself
  • ​Being perceived by others as balanced and wise
  • ​Living in love and gratitude... and achieving everything your heart desires
  • ​Enjoying success in all areas of your life

On this Masterclass, you will learn the secrets to always knowing the right thing to do and say… and feel continually grounded and peaceful...

Did you know that self-care can actually cause even more stress and frustration in your life?

A carefree, successful and fulfilling life is the most natural and uncomplicated thing in the world

Let me show you the most effective way to effortlessly alleviate anxiety, build resilience and live a life full of peace & happiness...without having to spend hours and hours on self-care.

The Catherine Harman Thought Retraining Process has been used by thousands of my clients from around the world to live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.

My Masterclass is the perfect way to be present, thankful and happy every single day...

And learn how you can reclaim your life and love every single day!

What People say About Catherine's Inspiring Process...

"This helped me mentally mould my subconscious mind and conquer negative energy and thoughts. 
She (my wife) has been very impressed with my progress with just the first section and now I feel like we are back on track and turned the page to a new chapter in our lives. 
I will forever be grateful and always recommend you. My mind is shifting and I’m more confident! I’m so looking forward in my next section! You’re gifted and amazing!"

Kelinda V.

"This was truly empowering! Lots of emotion and lots of positive results! I'm astonished by the people's reactions to this, your program has a pulse, and it's beating hard ! Catherine Harman, I don't know why it never occurred to me before, but this is powerful stuff, life changing for sure. Thank you for sharing it with me. I have Good Vibes about all this and can definitely use it to make my life and others lives around me more fulfilling. You’ve found the loophole in life - we all had it all along but didn't know until you reached in your pocket and pulled it out and shared it with everyone you could!"

Jeremy M.

“Catherine has helped me have feelings, and be comfortable with them. I used to be very resistant to feeling emotions. I tried a variety of things to change them, or avoid having the darn things at all! With the love and support of people in this group, and the application of Catherine’s simple concepts, all I feel today is grateful and happy.”

Hannah L.

Catherine is a Thought Retraining Coach and Author, Helping people control their emotions & overthinking by rewiring their neural pathways.

Over the past 30 years, Catherine Harman has improved the lives of thousands of people across the world. In the words of one of her clients: "Life keeps on getting better and better"

However, life wasn't always one of happiness for Catherine...

Before her life-changing epiphany, she was way too often depressed, anxious and malnourished from denying herself food.

Since then, Catherine has acquired the skills, knowledge and experience to help people from all walks of life find peace, happiness and serenity, through her proprietary pracice known as The Catherine Harman Thought Retraining Process.

Her process shows people how to improve the relationship they have with themselvesso that they have better relationships with their partners, family, career and health.

If you know, deep down, that there is more to life than you’re currently experiencing and you want to become the very best version of you

Then Catherine is the perfect person to share how to create a life of such value that everyone will respect and want to be around you

If you are ready to Reclaim Your Life and enjoy healthy, happy, and peaceful relationships with yourself and others… 
Then join The Happy Mind masterclass

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Copyright © 2019-2023 LifePerfect Limited | All rights reserved.